tint laws
In Florida our window tint laws are a little more lenient than other states. Florida residents are allowed to have 15% on the rear of the vehicle and 28% on the front according to the Florida window tint laws. Your windshield strip should be at or above the ansi line to be legal. Keep in mind that a lot of manufacturers glass comes at about a 70% even though it looks clear.
The window tint laws percentage does vary a little for multiple passenger vehicles such as large suvs and vans. Florida window tint law allows as dark as 6% on these vehicles. Be careful with this though because it is not specified as to which vehicles are considered multiple passenger.
We do offer some clear window films to go over the windshield and the factory tinted glass that will keep a ton of heat out and all of the UV rays. These films are a good option if you want to stay legal while still getting the benefits of heat and UV protection. If you are found in violation of the window tint law in Florida, the fine is about $100. This is a non-moving violation, so no points would be assessed on your lisence. The table below will give you a brief overview of what is allowed in other states. Call us today at 904.844.8468 if you have any more questions about your Auto window tint.